Bridgewater Giants – 2008 Player Responsibilities







Kurt Seidel

·          Overall team administration and organization

Assistant Manager

Gino D’Addario

·          Assists with the overall administration and organization of the team

Meeting Attendance

Jeff Kenyon & Geoff Polston

·          Attend all league meetings, keep team informed of league news and decisions from meetings

Acquiring Fields

Kurt Seidel

·          Submit applications, and negotiate dates, for field permits - Somerset Co. Park Commission (Torpey) & BWR Board of Ed.

Practice Scheduling

Chris Panzarino

·          Coordinate March practices

o         Indoor facility (poll team, decide what to sign us up for, then sign up)

·          outdoor scrimmages vs. other teams.

Make-up Scheduling

Kurt Seidel

·          Schedule all make-up games.

o         Contact teammates to determine availability, pick best date(s), confirm with other team’s manager.

o         Contact league rep to schedule umpires

Home Field Checking and Preparing

Tom Gallo

·          When conditions are questionable, get to the home field by 7:00 a.m. and make go/no-go decision. Contact manager.

·          If Friday or Saturday rain and Sunday play is possible, push puddles off field with broom and dig trench if necessary to drain first base puddle (as early as possible).

Field/Bench Coach

Geoff Polston

·          Primary 3rd base coach

·          Practice coach

·          Coordinate defensive substitutions during the game (as requested by manager)

·          Take pre-game ground rules

Website and Stats maintenance

Kurt Seidel

·          Post team & league schedules

·          Post weekly updates of stats,  league standings and scores


Chris Panzarino

·          Collect all team fees from each player before season starts.

·          Pay umpires at each game


Geoff Polston

·          Pickup (unless given out at league meeting)

·          Bring to each game and give to umpires

Equipment Manager

Chris Panzarino

·          Overall responsibility for the team equipment, including:

o         Assign players to be carriers of specific components of the equipment

o         Make sure all the equipment gets to each game

o         Take home equipment (or reassign) when a designated equipment carrier will not be at the next game

o         Order replacement equipment when needed.

Equipment Carrying

(to be assigned by equipment manager)

·          Carry all team equipment (ball bag, helmet bag, catcher equipment bag, bases, bats) in car and bring to games.

Line-Up Cards

Geoff Polston

·          Fill out our line-up card at the end of each game and exchange line-up cards with opposing team after the game. Must be sure we have a complete list of lineup cards for each game played.

Beer Coordinator

Gino D’Addario

·          Assign someone for bringing post-game beer each week.

Game Coordination Phone calls

Gino D’Addario

·          For each game, contact each player and confirm exactly who will be coming to that game. Must be known 3 days before the game so part-timers & subs can be brought in as needed.

Game Cancellation Phone calls

Gino D’Addario

·          Contact each team member ASAP when a rainout decision has been made.